
Sunday, August 25, 2024

O’Clock Watches 2

The festival had all sorts of stalls set up. Some were for local businesses, others for fun games. Analog had gotten lost looking for his father’s stall. He figured he’d try asking somebody, as much as he hated interacting with strangers.

He looked at the stalls, eventually spotting an alarm clock with a light pink case. Might as well.

The stall seemed to be selling jars of jams and jellies.

“Hey, do you know where the watch stand is..? O’Clock Watches..”

The alarm clock stared at him. “Do you want a jar of jelly or jam? We have strawberry, grape, apricot, a-“

“Did you not hear my question?”

“Sorry, I’m supposed to be running this stand, I recited that for hours only for my parents to say I could use a notecard if I can’t remember. But I can! But anyways.. O’Clock Watches? You looking for a watch?”

“Uhm.. no, I’m not, I don’t need one. My dad uh..”

The alarm clock shot up a bit. “Oh! Clocks who sell watches, what a concept.. I actually haven’t looked around much, maybe when my sister gets back she could tell ya!”

Analog couldn’t tell if he was late or if the alarm clock was early. 

“You know.. watches could.. they could probably benefit clocks.. like.. we know time but.. we are wrong sometimes..”

Analog felt awkward admitting that, but it was true. Using a watch helped him keep himself on time. His father encouraged him to do it on his own though.

“I’d imagine!! I actually already have one at home! But I’m not having too much trouble today!”

Analog simply nodded. “Okay.. but is it.. an O’Clock watch?”

She snickered. “Are you that desperate to sell me something.”

Analog sighed. “Sorry.. my dad’s going to.. not be happy if I don’t find our stand.. especially if I’m the wrong time.. are you the right time?”

The alarm clock shrugged. “I don’t keep track. Me and my sisters usually compare times and hope one of them is right. I find myself a little fast sometimes, haha!”

Analog felt intrigued. Did she really not care?? Did she not see her reputation was at stake??

She must’ve noticed he was feeling uneasy, because she began speaking again,

“I’m sure your dad won’t care too much.. being off-time is natural for clocks! It happens to the best of us!”

“It doesn’t happen to my dad,” Analog mumbled.

“I’m sure it does. What’s your name by the way?”

“Analog.. Analog O’Clock.. yours?”

“Pink Alarm Clock!! I really like your name though, it’s unique!”

Analog smiled. She was nice. Weird, but nice.

“Thank you.. what does your family do?”

“Oh! We grow fruit! And make these, want one?”

Analog maybe would’ve bought one if he had money, but he didn’t. 

“I don’t have any cash on me.. sorry.. maybe I could ask my dad?”

Pink Alarm Clock stared at the jars. “Do you like any flavors?”

“They all seem pretty good.. for toast or something..”

“And waffles and pancakes and danishes!! All sorts of options.. why don’t you take an apple jam?”

“I.. I still don’t have money.”

“Take, not buy,” Pink Alarm Clock said, handing him the jar with a smile.

“I don’t think I’m allowed to trade.. watches are.. uh..”

“Free of charge, it’s free, I don’t need a watch,” Pink Alarm Clock told him, “just don’t tell anybody! We’re trying to sell..”

Suddenly, two more alarm clocks seemed to appear. 

“We’re baaaaack!” One of them said. The other simply smiled.

They noticed Analog standing there. “Who’s this?”

“Analog, these are my sisters! Alarmy and Tock! Alarmy and Tock, this is Analog! He’s one of those watch guys!”

The taller of the two, Alarmy, seemed to scoff. “His family’s interesting,” she mumbled in a negative tone. 

Analog looked away, unsure how to respond.

“He’s really polite!” Pink Alarm Clock told the two. Analog smiled.

“That’s nice. Your dad’s looking for you by the way.”

“Uh, yeah.. where is he? I can’t find the stand..”

“Over by the fountain, next to the stairs that go up,” Alarmy said.

“Thank you.. I should go..”

“Wait, before you leave,” Pink Alarm Clock called before he could go, “here, call me! I’d like to hear from you again, it’s nice knowing another clock around here!” 

She handed him a “Bell and Chimey: Jams and Jellies” business card.

“Isn’t this for your business?”

“They don’t take it too seriously, don’t worry about it. Just say you’re calling for me and they’ll know!”

“Oh.. okay.. I’ll try..”

Analog walked off awkwardly.

Alarmy stared as he walked off, then stared at Pink Alarm Clock. “Did he pay for that?”

“For what?”

“Don’t play dumb. The jar.”

“Of course!!!”

“You suck at lying. You gave it to him, didn’t you.”

Pink Alarm Clock laughed nervously. “Whaaaaat that’s crazy!!!! Please don’t tell mom and dad.”

“I won’t,” Alarmy said, smirking, “but I could tell you have a crush on him.”

“WHAT!! I just think he seems interesting is all!!”

Tock giggled.

“His dad’s an..” Alarmy looked around before whispering “an asshole.”

Pink Alarm Clock frowns. “Is he? He didn’t seem very fond of his dad either.. who knows what’s going on over there!”

“He just seems kind of.. exploitative. Thinking he’s better than other clocks just for being on time. And acting like it makes him cool as if it’s not a clock-specific trait. Pisses me off a bit honestly.”

Pink Alarm Clock scoffs. “Analog isn’t like that!!”

“Never said he was, just.. watch out, alright?”


“I don’t need to!! But I will. If you’re that worried.”

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