
Sunday, August 25, 2024

O’Clock Watches 1

 It was a gloomy morning, which were the hardest to wake from. Many objects in Aadshend agreed they were perfect for weekends, and sleeping in. Analog was not one of those objects, because for his family, weekends were event time.

“Analog, up up!” his dad hollered, opening the clock’s door. Analog had woken up a few minutes before, just not quite energized to get up yet.

Guess it was time to now though.

“Augh, what am I going to do with you.. you’re minutes late.”

Initially, it was a bit hard to tell if his father meant he was genuinely late to something, or if his displayed time was merely minutes behind. Usually it was the latter.

Analog sighed, turning around to let his father adjust his time.

“I don’t know what’s up with you, always being behind. You need to quit that!” His dad scolded, lightly smacking the clock. Analog sat there quietly. He knew if he responded it’d be “talking back.”

Today was important anyways. There was a festival today, which his father would be advertising his watch company. His father had even recently decided on a last name for the family, “O’Clock.” Analog and his brother thought it was kind of dumb, but their father assured it’d make the company much more memorable.

Along with that, his father seemed to think that displaying accurate times would assure their reliability to customers. It was a watch company after all, wouldn’t it be embarrassing if the clocks running a watch company weren’t on time? Who’s trust them then?

Besides, nobody likes letting their father down.

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