
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Object OC Art, November-December 2023

 November and December were not easy months for me!!! I was making audio diaries and I tried out some weird phone counseling thing. Unfortunately the counselor kind of sucked at his job and pretty much said he didn't think he could help me. Boooo. He didn't call for the second scheduled session so I just gave up. Additionally, November and December just have a lot of negative emotions tied to them for me, so it was difficult for me to get through.. but I did! Good job me.

Anyways, a lot of the art is a bit random, and a lot of the art I made while either talking to myself or on the phone is rather empty and emotionless. I find that interesting. I think it just shows that multitasking is hard. I was focusing too much on what I was saying and not what I was making. 

Object OC Art, October 2023

 You might be wondering, "Zappy, why does October get its own section!!!" but most likely you aren't wondering that and are just on this website because I spontaneously gave you the link to it (I do that a lot.) But the reason is that I did objectober, which basically means I drew something every day according to a prompt. For this reason, a lot of the art sucks. I should also note that not everything here is even for the challenge, some of it is just random other stuff. Either way, enjoy.