
Sunday, March 26, 2023

Object OC Art, February 2022

 February of 2022 I was zooming through ideas and concepts, really determined to add to and improve my object  OC universe and make content of it. Majority of the art made were only doodles I did during my free time at school, but there are digital pieces as well.

[Warning for LGBTphobia, the phrase "kys", and whatever body horror is called if its a chocolate bar.]

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Object OC Art, January 2022

 Due to the large amount of art made in 2022, as well as the increase in quality, and more story-based posts, the posts of 2022 will be broken up into separate sections. Here are the posts from January.

Object OC Art, 2021

 In 2021 I did not make very much art of my object OCs due to my main interest at the time being Lego Ninjago, which is somewhat apparent by some of the  art. However, at the end of the year you could see I started gaining interest in them again. I am not sure what it is that caused my interest to come back,  but I do know I had a huge mental reset due to a lot of traumatic stuff going on at the time, which may have played a part. I plan to sort the art made in 2022 differently, due to the large amount of art I made that year. However, that isn't relevant here. Enjoy my few 2021 object pieces.

Timey Gets Clocknapped (2020, 2022)

 "Timey Gets Clocknapped" is a comic to explain what happened to Timey, for a plot-related reason for my object camp, "Timey's Fun Object Camp," to end up cancelled. This does not include every frame of the original comic, due to friends' characters being included, as well as parts I personally just do not like. The original comic was discontinued, but I ended up making a ending for it later on, which is also here. Enjoy.

[Warning for  kidnapping, violence, transphobia, implied near drowning, and use of syringe.]

Timey Gets Clocknapped- Deleted Scene (2020)

 This is the rough draft for a scene that was intended to be in "Timey Gets Clocknapped," but I decided against putting it in the final product for whatever reason. ("Whatever reason" is probably just that I was lazy.) This was posted May 11, 2020.

Object OC Art, 2020

 The year of 2020 was not very full of object OC art! While I did make a bit in the beginning of the year, as well as start the "Timey Gets Clocknapped" comic, in the middle of the year I lost interest in the OSC and started drawing Lego character art. Even when I did make object art, it was usually not OCs.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Paper Plate Comic

 This one is technically canon, but I hope to remake it eventually, as this is... Very sloppy. Chocolate Bar's design is different as well. If I remake it the dialogue might change, the art would be improved, but otherwise, this event is canon.

MS comforts Timey Comic

 I honestly hate this comic for many many reasons, but figured I should add it here because... It exists. Whether this is canon... I don't know. It was self-indulgent, which most self-indulgent stuff I prefer leaving up for interpretation. So if you'd like, it's canon. I hate my art here though, but what can a guy do?

Object OC Art, 2019

 [Warning! Some images contain hints at drowning, suicide, and murder!]

Here is the art posted in 2019, sorted in order of the months they are in. Enjoy.

Ask Lab Objects

 These are posts made with my first object characters, back in 2018. These characters basically lived inside a room in a lab, which was owned by non-object characters. Followers commented questions for them to answer. Maybe you'll be able to read them. Enjoy.

Cruises to Bruises [COMIC]

 "Cruises to Bruises" was a comic posted February 24, 2019. The event is only partially canon. It was never finished. Some characters never even appeared. Overall, not important. 


 Uncannony was a comic which featured a random collection of characters, which competed for no clear reason. This included both object characters and non-object characters. There were two "parts" of this, Uncannony 1 and Uncannony 2. They are called, "Uncannony" because these comics are not canon. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Headache the Flower Does Math

 Posted October 10, 2018. Made it for a  school project, with a pretty bad headache. This does not seem to be the full comic, but I don't really know. Enjoy.

Object OC Art, 2018

 This is a collection of object OC art posted in the year of 2018. Majority of this art is not canon. Enjoy.